Most people practicing sport, like running or cycling, think that what they need is a Sports Massage, but this is not true for everybody.
There’s a fine line between Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage, whilst Sports Massage can include stretching techniques, focused on injury related discomfort.
Swedish Massage is generally designed for relaxation, stress relief and general well-being, with great benefits for skin quality, blood circulation, muscle tone and immunity.
Deep Tissue Massage involves techniques that focus on specific areas of discomfort and pain, combining slow movement with firmer pressure.
Sports Massage is targeted to areas that are under repetitive and strenuous physical activity, helps the recovery from exercise and uses movement, resistance exercise, stretching and mobilizations designed to assist in correcting problems and imbalances.
So, unless you are injured or have specific problems related to posture or technique, you might find very beneficial introducing a session of Swedish Massage in your training plan.
Make sure you have at least one rest day a week and try to add one hour massage every other week, this will help your recovery and boost your confidence and energy level!